Tuesday 30 June 2015


I've just read this post  over at Mark Hides blog which sums up pretty much how I feel all the time. Mr Hides is of a similar age to myself (47) and has captures that past-mid-life spectre that is hovering over all of us...the old enemy Time chipping away as our measured span. One of the many things on my 'must do and see before I cark it' is now beyond reach with the sad death of YES bassist and co-founder Chris Squire at the age of 67.  I'm not sure when I was going to see YES , but I had a vague idea I would in the next couple of years.

Inevitably with the constant feeling of a limited life span, time seems to pass even quicker and I have a Damoclean sword continually hanging over me about all the gaming projects I want to complete but know I never will ( as well as important stuff to worry about like bringing the kids up, keeping the Mrs. in her usual good mood etc.). Faced with a bloody mountain of figures it all seems rather futile. I am currently ploughing through several hundred 54mm Toy Soldier style ECW figures to help with a school project next year, but once they are finished I hope to fling myself back into Fantasy stuff, with Oldhammer, Prehammer and Skinthammer projects brewing (or rather looming).

How I feel most of the time.
 (This picture, along with the rest of the gatefold pics in my brother's copy of the Yes album Fragile, used to fascinate me. In fact I think it's safe to say poring over the Roger Dean illustrations and designs aged about 8, had a lot to do with my future Fantasy leanings)

In the meantime I'll be raising a glass To The Heart of the Sunrise and drinking to Chis Squires memory and musical legacy.


  1. I had to wait until I was at University in the mid 90's to be introduced to Yes. I'm also fast approaching 40 (a lower but equally impacting mile stone) so much of what you write here is familiar territory. Live in the moment is all I can say.

    1. Too right Erny. I cheered up after writing the post and then having a game of rugby with the not to think about the Reaper...or invent yourself an afterlife consisting of shelves of hard to find figures stretching for miles.

  2. Glad you feel a tad better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh I feel so guilty for my original musings now...

    Great post, though!

    1. Yes your random post depressed me to the core (momentarily) and then you add insult to injury and blog you were watching Fleetwood Mac last night. Made me get off my jacksie and book for Wishbone Ash and Martin Barre's Jethro Tull in the Autumn....Rock On!!
