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Friday, 3 April 2020


Most of my ideas for fantasy armies and units remain firmly in my head as I never get round to doing anything about them, or if I do it is sometimes literally decades later.  I like basing armies and units on prog rock songs and imagery such as my Broadsword ship and I have several ideas for figures inspired by the songs of Jethro Tull. One song (The Clasp) on the Broadsword and the Beast album starts "We travellers on the endless wastes..." which has always conjured up images in my head of characters battling against driving snow or at least walking through an endless snowy landscape, a bit like the elf like figures in this Jackie Morris picture above, and perhaps these Dark Elves by John Blanche in The Seven Serpents by Steve Jackson.

I've been casting around for figures to suit the look I'm after and the solid base Citadel High elves are just the ticket... sculpted by Aly Morrison and released in 1984, they are fur clad, have slightly Slavic features and Russian looking armour so scream "cold endless steppes" to me. I've collected about 30 which will be enough for a couple of units. Combined with some Polar bears, gypsy caravans and a suitable paint job they should do the job.

I've so far painted about 14, and it's slow progress as I'm getting  2 hours a week painting done, but we'll get there.


  1. I look forward to seeing them. The Aly Morrison high elves are terrific miniatures with lashings of variety and character.

    1. Yes, I'm surprised by the amount of detail popping out when they are undercoated.

  2. What a fantastic idea, I really like the sound of this. I am very taken by the Jackie Morris artwork which is new to me. Even though you have only painted 14 ( seems progress to me) can you get a picture of them for us?

    1. I will attempt to get some pictures, but that eats into valuable painting time!!

  3. I do like a bit of Prog whilst painting - it's an age thing with me!

  4. Sounds like a great idea for a project (or prog-ject). The Blanche picture is one of my favourites from the fighting fantasy canon, the old High Elves should really look the part.

    1. I hope so, although my painting is not what it was.

  5. Look forward to seeing the finished figures - those were some classic 80s figures. ...and that Tull album is an absolute classic. I should really paint up some plastic Saxons and Vikings to 'Broadsword' sometime.

    1. It's the cover that makes it special for me, although most of the songs are corkers too (one duff one in my opinion).

  6. I love that picture! I think it featured in Out of the Pit and one of the pictures from there that I can call to mind most vividly. Looking forward to seeing you bring it to life!

  7. I've got a couple of gypsy caravans ready to paint, although they are a bit more traditional than the Blanche ones here

  8. Brilliant - look forward to seeing this develop and great choice on the Elves! Love that Blanche illustration - it's stuck with me ever since seeing it in one of the Sorcery game books when I was a kid and also provided me with inspiration for the Black Elves in my Trolltooth project. Basing warbands on songs is a great idea - it's a bit heavier than Jethro Tull but I've always thought you could do the same with the Sword album, Age of Winters.

  9. Would that be Black Swordath? Great album to paint to.

    1. Nope - these chaps -

      Not all their stuff is this heavy - Gods of Earth is definitely worth a listen too.

    2. Yes, sorry, I was being facetious as they are a Sabbath clone ( but no worse for that of course). Orchid are in the same vein too and several others. Nearest I've found for the early 70s wizards and warriors feel is Tarot (not the death metal band, the other one) which have that Uriah Heepy feel, wth plenty of Hammond to drive it along.

    3. Sorry - over my head that one! I shall go and educate myself!

    4. Oh dear, nebulous is my middle name. Anyhow there are some great bands out there. I tend to listen to lighter stuff now, or nothing at all. I think I damaged my hearing with too many Motorhead concerts.
