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Tuesday, 3 May 2016


I think these are the last figures that needed painting for my Thistlewood project,  but of course there could be endless tweaking. I could paint up a more imposing Lord Vassago, and get 30 Minifigs Knights of the Silver Rose to act as Baron Galen's cavalry, but I'm finished really. In the scenario, various houses in Thistlewood contain either terrified of belligerent inhabitants, and in one case, a mad dog.

Back in 1983, there were surprisingly few villager and civilian figures available as far as I could make out at the time. The bulk of the figures here are Hinchliffe and Citadel.

The villagers flee with their baggage and pets (all Hinchliffe)

Others discuss the sightings of Lord Vassago's evil horde (Hinchliffe and Citadel)

The Village elders, rich and poor (Citadel and Essex)

The shepherds fierce dog is out of control (Hinchliffe and Citadel dog)

The landlord of the inn and his family prepare to batten down the hatches and hope the King's troops reach them first (all Citadel)

Other townsfolk mill about (Hinchliffe and Citadel)

Meanwhile, braver souls arms themselves to repel orcs and undead. (Hinchliffe and Asgard)
These militia are also part of my budding Lion Rampant Robin of Sherwood project, Wolfshead Rampant, soon to appear on my other blog


  1. A very nice looking village! I hope things turn out ok for them.

    1. Thanks Mr. Mouse...we shall see the outcome when the battle is fought.

  2. A splendid village and a great collection of villagers. I have the asgard fellow on the right of the final photo. Mine ( like yours, I venture)must be rather old now.

    1. Thanks Alan, I bought him on ebay fairly recently.

  3. Really nice. It's like a window onto another world, at another time. In fact straight out of Tabletop Heroes. The paint and colour schemes really tie in well.

    Oh, and where is your other blog with the Robin of Sherwood?

    1. High praise Zhu...many thanks. It's not there yet, but the Robin of Sherwood figures will be here

  4. Fantastic Springinsfeld! I love that second picture especially - can hear the creaky voice of the speaker so clearly! Wonderful houses too!

  5. I love the houses and the villagers. Those Hovel buildings have really stood the test of time.
