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Sunday, 20 June 2021


 Yesterday was the first The Woods in the Woods event held in beautiful Gloucestershire woodland and organised by The Woods creators Geoff and Sol. I took a few pictures, which don't do the event credit at all, but hopefully capture something of the ambience. Cheery gamers, great terrain in an atmospheric setting.

Our hosts Sol and Geoff on the left.

Three stunning tables to play across, and a very welcome fire as it was surprisingly cool for midsummer.

I could only stay part of the day unfortunately, but enough to get a couple of games in against Harry, playing a school of Bucca ( fishmen) against my Leprechauns. I'm hopeless with rules, so in true Leprechaun style I persuaded Harry to show me how to win at his own expense. Geoff was busy between all tables helping with rules queries. Hopefully by next year, I'll have the rules off pat, and give Harry the chance to win.

To add to the Froudian atmosphere, a cheeky Stinkhorn fungus was spotted lurking just outside the glade. 
A fine example of
Phallus impudicus.

Happy Solstice.



  1. Was great to meet you and sorry you had to leave early! Hope to play against your Leprechauns next time!

    1. Likewise. Hopefully by next year I'll have a better grasp of the game. I have to admit the hobby for me is more about the miniatures, but I did enjoy the couple of games I managed to fit in.

  2. Fantastic idea for an event!

    1. The catalyst was social distancing of course, but it made a wonderful venue whatever the state of affairs in the outside world.

  3. What a wonderful setting - marvelous !

  4. Replies
    1. The rules were The Woods. A narrative role play/ skirmish game which is fiendishly well designed. As I say, I'm not really a game/rules bod, but these really are very clever not using any dice at all. Check out Oakbound Studios YouTube channel for how to play videos.

  5. What an atmospheric place to game! Sounds like a great time was had by all . I really enjoyed the pictures and report!

    1. I wish I'd thought to take more pictures of the games but got too excited. The venue was up a very long winding track which petered away into a mud path. My hatchback saloon just made it but I am thinking of a small 4wd for this kind of thing, and metal detecting sites etc.

  6. That looks amazing, very atmospheric.
    Wonder if I could trek that far South?

    1. It was great. One participant made it from Orkney, so no excuse ;)

    2. Orkney! Really that is a trek in these troubled times.

    3. To be fair, he was down South for other reasons, so wasn't flouting Covid safety for a game.

    4. If someone was to flout the rules I can't think of a better reason.

    5. I don't think there was any flouting going on, and our hosts Oakbound Studios bent over backwards to ensure we were Covid secure.

    6. Of course was only joking!

  7. Glad you could make it for half a day. I must say your leprechauns' first victory was one of the highlights of the day, snatching victory from the snappy jaws of the speedy fishes!

    1. Luckily, transporting my Leprechaun thief Tricorn Trevor up on to the top of the beehive hut was the right thing to do... Stopped those pesky Findus fish from winning. I'm lookin forward to honing my thieving skills for future games.

  8. Those would be some of my favourite things - lead, canvas, fire! Looks like you all had a great time. I'll have to make the journey South if it's on next year. I've been meaning to have a look at Geoff's Woods rules - quite like the idea of a Midsummer Night's Dream themed warband with Bottom as a donkey headed Ogre - if I'm along the right lines of course.

    1. The fae's hobyhah servants are donkey headed with Dream in mind. In fact the Fae queen rides on a palanquin carried by four Bottoms... come to think of it I still need to do rules for her.

  9. I'm sure you'd love it if d it's in next year. Great idea for a warband and I'm sure you could theme one. Spenser's Faerie Queen is on my list to look at.

    1. Fingers crossed - my idea of heaven! Spenser's Faerie Queen is a great shout - look forward to seeing your take on that! Have you ever read "The Worm Ouroborous" by E. R. Eddison - should be some good material for pilfering from that and all! The names of the characters alone are absolute gold!

  10. Looks like a wonderful experience - those tables look amazing to play on.

  11. I’m tempted to pop down next year too...

    1. Well it's a lovely part of the countryside, with loads of history about, and it would be wonderful to meet you at last!
