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Tuesday, 9 April 2019


Swooping out of the steamy caverns of Trantalus come the fiery harpies, bound by Lord Vassago to do his bidding, and bearing the Vile Rune on their shields to show their allegiance to him.

Another unit of fliers for my Dever Wars project. Ral Partha winged demons from the Personalities range.


  1. Good to see you are back, and on my birthday too!

    1. Many Happy Returns of the day to you Sir. I've been doing all sorts of things, but not blogging about them (or using any other form of social media, luddite that I am).Anyhow, I hope to catch up posting the backlog of Prehammer stuff I have painted, and then do some more.

    2. Thank you and what a better present than to see some lovely old school figures. I may steel that rune for the shields on my 15mm Orcs. Just hit 53 and really feeling the weight of years. The idea that my painting days are running out has got me reviewing what projects are never going to be finished and have to go.

    3. Tell me about it... I was 50 last year and am starting to ache in places I didn't know I had, my eyesight is getting worse and I am deaf in one ear... on the plus side er... can't think of anything. I am selling off some 90's GW stuff on ebay to fund the new hobby (metal detecting), and I think that may be the start of a good purge.
      I would be glad to see the Vile Rune spreading to the Northern Isles and 15mm orcs. Sadly I didn't invent it... I copied it off an 80's box of Citadel Runequest figures. I think it is a Broo symbol.

  2. I enjoyed seeing your figures,they look great. Hope to see more here soon.

    1. Thanks Alan, now I have a camera on my phone, I hope to catch up with the backlog of figures I have painted.

  3. These are new to me; when were they produced? - wonderful brushwork by the way.

    1. Ho MJT. These have 1979 stamped on the base... very obliging of Ral Partha to do that.

  4. Really nice! Just recently got a casting of the commander in an old box. Never cared for the trooper miniatures, but also never got a chance to examine one up close. Now that I see what you've done with them I want some! Really nice use of red and yellows. A great looking unit!

  5. Thanks Mouse, for the time, these are such detailed minis, that were fun to paint,
