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Tuesday, 21 February 2017


There are 9 of these Fantasy Tribe orcs in the picture of the Joe Dever fantasy battle I am re-building. I scraped together about 10 from the first release (about 1982?) and another 10 from later 1984 releases. I hated these figures when they came out, with their grotesque lantern jaws and tusks, and am still pretty ambivalent towards them now. Still, needs must, and they painted up pretty quickly. I wanted them to look as if they lived in some old cavern filled with midden, hardly ever venturing out unless summoned by their Overlord, the Crimson King. They are in mi-parti uniforms of red and yellow, as the Crimson King finds their antics moderately diverting.

The banner shows the Crimson King ascendant over his enemy the Sun Child. In the corner is The Vile Rune, showing the Dunghill Jesters are members of the Vile Rune Co-operative of various orc tribes. Most (but not all) of my goblinoids sport this Rune. The banner top is an old Citadel Broo head.


  1. Lovely stuff ( if one can say such a thing of orcs )especially the banner>
    p.s does anyone know of any old photos showing battles with Mythical Earth figures when they first came out? I would love to see them

    1. Sadly, I don't have any ME figure pictures, although it would be good to take some and doctor them so they look old.

  2. They look good. A nice subdued colour. As you said they probably spend their lives underground.

    1. Thanks...... they could do with a good dose of Vitamin D (as could we all at the moment).

  3. By the way I finally got that King Crimson album this morning. Just had one play so far. Will try and listen to it again when the wife isn't there to mock.

    1. Hello Major Mike. It's a classic . My King Crimson army is based on the Court song (or will be when I get it painted). Real 60's acid trip stuff.

  4. Hi Springinsfeld,

    Great to see you posting again! And a whole bunch of terrific posts too! Love your Clan of the Jade Bat! But it is the Orcs here in this post that have me raising my fist in the air ya-hooing! And it is funny, I never liked these sculpts for the longest time too but ever since I plunged back into the glories of pre-slotta, I realized the folly and fickleness of my youth and now, well, there can be no other! I like how you painted and based them too.

    1. Cheers Private W. glad they excited such a response.I must admit they were quite fun to paint, but maybe because as I didn't like them, I just slapped the colour on..... could be the way forward to get more painting done. Basing is just wall filler, painted green, drybrushed white and washed green again.
