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Wednesday, 8 February 2017


I finished these a while ago, but have been waiting for some free daylight time in which to photograph them. Middle son, whom we home educate, was feeling ropy today, so we scrapped lessons, and while he chilled out with Return of the Jedi, I snuck up to the attic to take some pics. These Minifigs Hobgoblins were surprisingly quick to paint, but as usual, I prevaricated about the bases for weeks. First they were painted green, to fit in with other Prehammer figures in the army, then brown, then I decided I might want to use them for old school Dungeon games (when this might happen I have no idea) so changed them to grey, which I'm not entirely happy with. I suspect they might change again. I'm not fussed about bases matching in an army, so long as they suit the figures.

To re-cap, these guys are for a reconstruction of part of an early 80's Joe Dever battle you can see here . Airfix dinosaurs, Airfix Sherwood castle parts, Minifigs and Tin Soldier crew. All available in the early 80's (pre '83 is generally my goal). 

Citadel Fantasy Tribe skeletons.

The Banner of The Crimson King, a recurring character in the odd world from inside my head.The Jade Bat Clan are in his service.  The piled heads are from the top of an old Broo standard I think. 

The Horned Skull is an Asgard ogre skull with added horns. Dave Wood  helped me out with this piece.

The badge (or mon) of the Jade Bat Clan

The Daimyo of the Jade Bat Clan, Ichiboti Tadanoi 
He carries a shield coated in dragon hide.

These are Tin Soldier samurai. The left hand standard bearer has had a head swap, but the others look quite Hobgoblinish. I think they are wearing masked helmets, but I've painted them up as faces.

The cavalry contingent. Garrison figures.

The lizards were going to be yellow, but somehow ended up orange.

Their shields sport the Jade Bat too.

Another Tin Soldier dude, mounted on a Ral Partha land dragon. This is Saiko Madasakoi

The rank and file...good old Minifigs Hobgoblins from the late 1970's. 

I painted them following the description in the Monster Manual, but also following the lead of Spooktalker, over at Belched from the Depths . I don't think I've seen figures better painted than his. Mine are pale shadows of his amazing work, but I appreciate the inspiration he gives me.

The mace warrior on the right is my favourite pose.

The entire clan in array. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Don. At the moment I am happy if the figure has paint on it, whatever it looks like.

  2. A magnificent display , classic figures ! , Tony

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Alan, always appreciate your support :)

  4. Holy hell! Love it. Great use of orange on the cavalry. The colour scheme across the whole army is very well thought out.

    1. Hi Leadhead. Colour scheme entirely co-incidental, other than copying Spooktalkers ideas on the infantry. Appreciate the positive comments though!

  5. Wow I don't check in for a week and when I do it is an absolute treat for the eyes. What wonderful work! Lovely figures and models amazingly well painted.

    1. Thanks Mike. I have been busy painting over the winter, but not had time to blog, so there are more goodies on the way.

  6. What an army - cracking work indeed! I'm also feeling very nostalgic about the Airfix Triceratops which I think we've discussed previously.

    1. Cheers. I wish I had more time to be a bit more active in the Oldhammer community. I've got some rather nice Pan-Tang guys to do which are prime Oldhammer period pieces. There's something about the Airfix kits and soldiers that set them streets ahead of all
      the other makes.

  7. A terrific looking army! I love Minifigs' old hobgoblins and you did a great job imagining, assembling and painting this horde. Really cool!

  8. Hey, thanks for the shout out and it's awesome to see such a host of fell hobgoblins gathered for war! The army looks great. For myself I have a second band of 10 restored and primed, and more in a box for "some day"... probably about half as many as you've got here, all told. Love these figures. I got two or three in a crusty box of old lead at a con and was entirely unfamiliar, and those figures had a hand in setting on the old school D&D path, for better or worse. If it wasn't for them, I wonder if I would have still taken the 25mm D&D plunge.

    1. Hi Spooktalker,,,, for better most certainly. Those pictures of your painted old school figures in a dungeon setting really floated my boat, so many thanks. I think the really old figures have so much more charm than new sculpts, and it's not just nostalgia talking. All the best
