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Saturday, 23 March 2013


A few days ago, Robin, my oldest lad (10) roped me into a fantasy battle he had set up in his bedroom, using his own fun rules and figures, all painted himself. A couple of turns in, his brothers turned up eager to participate in moving figures and dice rolling and for 40 minutes or so we had a really enjoyable time with all the youngsters attention held, not bad for Arthur 6, who is not so bonkers about soldiers as Robin , and George who at 3 mainly likes bashing things, but handled the figures reverently.

The lego tower holds a goblin hanglider by the way.  Arthur and myself were the diseased minions of the chaos god Nurgle, and Robin and George were brutish orc marauders. Although Robin seems to know all the ins and outs of the latest Games Workshop creations, his armies hold a healthy mix of different manufacturers, and he is particularly keen on Grenadier Barbarians to use as marauders. A true Dadhammer moment, and as Arthur expressed an interest in getting some Dwarves, I might invest in some of the rather nice EM-4 packs. At 50 figures for £9 you can't go wrong.


  1. That's a great post mate, thanks.

    Your good lady must be thrilled with her house full of lads finding a quiet hobby!

    1. Thanks. Well yes and no, she has visions of the entire house filling up with figures and painting desks in every room (sounds heavenly to me).

  2. It doesn't get any better than that! Your eldest has done a great job on his soldiers and table.

    1. Thanks Erny, his painting is coming along well and he really enjoys it.

  3. Fantastic - its been great running games to get my 4(nearly 5)year old interested, but to have your lad set the game up and have the minis painted up himself must have been a special moment indeed - not to mention everyone else getting involved!

    1. Yes, it's good fun. The main problem I find is getting the time to actually play games, life seems so full on with various things like work getting in the way. I work most weekends so of course that eats into available time.

  4. Great looking game! A splendid time no doubt had by all.

  5. Great stuff! I've only done a bit of gaming and tiny splash of painting with my five year old, but we're both very keen to get a bit more Dadhammer underway. Good to see that there are more thirty-something dads who are keen to share their time and hobbies with their children; surely that can only be a Good Thing?

  6. Thirty something? I wish! 44 mate and feeling 60...
