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Tuesday, 30 May 2023


 I cracked open my only pack of DAS clay yesterday morning, and finally started making some river sections for my Robin of Sherwood project. Needless to say I didn't have enough, but another 3 packs are arriving today, so I should be able to finish the bank's, before starting adding texture and details. 

The sections are jigsawed out of 3mm MDF. I aim to make a section with a built in watermill . The resin mill building is on the far right, but I'll be changing the roof to a thatched affair with either DAS or milliput.

Having an hour spare, due to DAS shortages, I dusted off some primed figures and started on some flesh tones.
A few villagers, and the Baron de Belleme plus servants.

 With luck, I'll crack on with these this morning before everyone else gets up .