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Tuesday 28 February 2023

RIP Ian Heath

 I was sad to hear about the death of Ian Heath today. I can't claim to have ever met him , of even know what he looked like, but his WRG books were and still are absolutely seminal wargaming works. As a youth ( with spare time) I would spend hours poring over the illustrations and descriptions of armour and battles.

And here is the late Mr. Heath, picture posted by The Perry's.

Thursday 9 February 2023

First of the Landsknechts

 Landsknechts..... the idea of painting them has always filled me with dread, but I seem to be on a bit of a roll at the moment having found my mojo after months in the wilderness.

I've got a pike block of 54 to complete, along with 10 skirmishers, and I've decided to paint each figure pretty much individually...with non uniformed troops I find it quicker, and less confusing.

The figures are by The Assault Group and are early Landsknechts from the 1490s-early 1500s.

Here are the first 3 .

At the moment, I'm quite enjoying the challenge of getting one a day finished...we'll see how I feel after a few more.

One thing I'm finding is I can only paint for about an hour at a time now without getting a tummy ache, presumably due to my appalling posture when painting.

Sunday 5 February 2023

Defenders of Padua

 I managed to get a couple of hours this  morning to carry on with these old Grenadier figures to use as Paduan defenders of the 1509 siege.Almost finished 4 guns and 8 crew.